Promotion END
One victory
You can get $1 for every Dota 2 ranked game you win
Change your nickname to "" (before the game, during the game and before you get your winnings nickname should be the same in Steam and on our website).
Indicate the id of your game in the form below
Get your Prize

* Only ranked games and only wins are accepted.

* If your team also includes another person with the nickname "", you will receive an additional 10 cents for each such player in your group.

* Your profile in the game (exactly in the game) must be public to view the history of matches

* Only matches that started less than 10 hours ago are taken into account

* You can update your nickname on the website no more than once a week. After changing your nickname on Steam, please wait a little while before updating your nickname on the website!

* To participate in the promotion, you need to make at least one deposit using steam items with our site

* Your Dota2 rank must be at least Archon.

Fill out the form: